Sunday, January 20, 2013

And the framing has begun!!!

I haven't posted in a few days so I am a bit behind.  The demo phase has been completed and we are now onto framing the barn and transitioning it into our home!  They started with framing over the garage where one of the upstairs bedrooms will go.  It really is amazing how quickly they can put this stuff up!

Framing over middle garage

Framing side garage

Framing over other garage

Hole for footings

View looking towards garage from future master bedroom

Looking into future master bedroom and kitchen

Looking into future master bath and closet

Future master bath

Future master bedroom

Looking into loft from kitchen

They had to cut four pretty large holes in the foundation to make sure the footings were strong and that there was what is called a vapor barrier. It is literally a piece of plastic that is laid down before the concrete is poured, to ensure that moisture does not come up through the ground.  The city then has to come and sign off and verify that they have seen the vapor barrier before the project can move forward. Once that is complete they can fill these holes with concrete and then put the weight of the foundation on these sturdy concrete holes.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for progress! It looks so great. And I love the new barnwood background on the page :).
